Unearthed Secrets: 68 Human Remains Found in Indiana Sewer Project

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Unearthing History: The Discovery

In the bustling city of Evansville, Indiana, a routine sewer upgrade project turned into a historical revelation. The construction workers, equipped with their usual tools and machinery, were prepared for another day of hard work. However, as they dug into the earth, they coincidentally found something not even close to common. The remains of 68 individuals were discovered, turning the construction site into an archaeological excavation overnight. The discovery was startling, to say the least, and work on the sewer upgrade project was immediately halted. The site was cordoned off, and the method involved in researching the remaining parts started. This unexpected discovery was a stark reminder of the city’s past, buried just beneath the surface of its modern infrastructure. The workers, who were there to improve the city’s sewer system, had inadvertently become the custodians of its history. The remains, silent for more than a century, were now telling their story, and the city was listening.

The Site: An Old Church Ground

The site of the discovery was not just any random location. It was where an old church once stood, a place of worship, community, and solace. The church, in the same way as other churches, had a burial ground where the departed were buried. Over time, the church was demolished, and its existence faded from the city’s collective memory. However, the cemetery remained, hidden beneath the surface. As the city grew and developed, the burial ground was neglected, and its area was lost to time. The discovery of the remains brought this forgotten cemetery back into the city’s consciousness. It served as a reminder of the city’s past and the people who once lived there. The old church grounds, once a place of peace and rest, were now bustling construction sites. However, even in the midst of the commotion and mayhem, the holiness of the site was safeguarded. The excavation was done with the utmost care, and the bones were handled with respect.

The City’s Past: Evansville in the 1800s

In the 1800s, Evansville was a burgeoning river town. The city was growing rapidly, with new buildings being erected and new businesses being established. As the city’s populace expanded, so did the quantity of passings. This prompted the foundation of a few graveyards, including the one found at the building site. The cemetery was a testament to the city’s growth and the lives of its residents. Each grave represented a person who had lived, worked, and died in Evansville. They were the city’s early residents, contributing to its development and shaping its future. The disclosure of the burial ground offered a special look into the city’s past. It was a tangible link to the people who once called Evansville home, their lives, their deaths, and their final resting place. The burial ground, with its various graves, was a quiet narrative of the city’s set of experiences, ready to be found.

The Investigation: Role of Cultural Resource Analyst, Inc.

The discovery of the remains necessitated an extensive archaeological investigation. Cultural Resource Analyst Inc., a company specializing in archaeological and historical research, was brought in to conduct the investigation. The company’s Director of Operations, Andrew Martin, stated that it was not surprising to find dozens of graves in a city cemetery from that time. What was amazing, in any case, was that these graves had not been upset or moved in the past 200 years. This indicated that the cemetery had been largely forgotten and undisturbed, preserving the remains in their original burial place. The investigation involved careful excavation, documentation, and analysis of the remains. Each step was carried out meticulously, ensuring that the remains were handled with respect and that valuable historical information was not lost. The examination gave important insights into the city’s past, the individuals who lived there, and their entombment practices. It was a careful process, however, one that was important to respect the departed and protect the city’s history.

Legal Implications: State Laws and Guidelines

The discovery of human remains, especially in such large numbers, has significant legal implications. According to state law, work must stop immediately upon the discovery of human remains. The coroner’s office and law enforcement must be notified, and an investigation must be initiated. These laws are designed to ensure the respectful and lawful handling of the remains. They also serve to protect archaeological sites and preserve historical information. In this case, the law ensured that the remains were treated with dignity and that the cemetery was properly investigated. The legal guidelines also dictated the process of excavation and documentation, ensuring that it was carried out in a systematic and thorough manner. The adherence to these laws and guidelines was crucial in managing the discovery and ensuring that the historical significance of the site was recognized and preserved.

The Excavation: A Costly Delay

The discovery of the remains led to a significant delay in the sewer upgrade project. The project, which was initially focused on improving the city’s infrastructure, now had an additional and unexpected cost: the excavation of the remains. More than half of the approved funds for the project, amounting to over $566,000, were allocated for this purpose. This included the cost of the archaeological investigation, the excavation and removal of the remains, and their subsequent analysis and documentation. The delay and the additional cost were significant, but they were necessary expenses. The discovery of the remains was not just a historical revelation; it was also a legal and ethical responsibility. The city was obligated to handle the remains with respect, to investigate the site thoroughly, and to preserve the historical information that the cemetery offered. Despite the cost and the delay, the city recognized the importance of this responsibility and took the necessary steps to fulfill it.

The Process: Removal and Documentation

The process of dealing with the discovered remains was complex. It involved not just the physical excavation of the remains, but also their documentation and analysis. The water utility company approved a 178-day extension for the project, with 58 of those days set aside specifically for this purpose. Each of the 68 graves was carefully excavated, and the remains were gently removed. They were then documented and analyzed, providing valuable information about the individuals they belonged to and the time they lived in. As of the latest reports, 63 of the remains have been removed, with five still in the ground. This process, while time-consuming, was essential in ensuring that the remains were treated with respect and that the historical information they offered was preserved. It was a delicate balance between the need to progress with the sewer upgrade project and the need to honor the city’s past.

The Unmarked Cemetery: A Forgotten Past

The cemetery, despite its historical significance, was unmarked. Archaeologists knew that there was a cemetery in the area, but its exact location was unknown. Over the years, as the city developed, roads and buildings were constructed over the cemetery. It was literally buried under the city’s progress, its existence forgotten. The discovery of the remains brought this forgotten cemetery back into the city’s consciousness. It served as a stark reminder of the city’s past and the people who once lived there. The unmarked cemetery, once a final resting place for many, was now a bustling construction site. Yet, even amidst the noise and chaos, the sanctity of the site was preserved. The remains were treated with respect, and the excavation was carried out with the utmost care. The unmarked cemetery, a silent witness to the city’s past, was now telling its story.

The Future: Potential for More Discoveries

The discovery of the cemetery and the remains it contained raised the possibility of more such discoveries in the future. Given the historical context and the recent discovery, there is potential for more graves to be found in the area, especially as construction and excavation work continue. Each new discovery would provide more insights into the city’s past and the lives of its early residents. They would also present new challenges in terms of managing the discoveries and balancing progress with the preservation of history. The city, having dealt with the discovery of the cemetery, is now better prepared to handle such situations in the future. The experience has highlighted the importance of archaeological investigations in construction projects and the need to respect and preserve history even as we build for the future.

Reflection: A Glimpse into the Past

The discovery of the remains and the subsequent investigation offered a unique glimpse into the city’s past. It was a tangible link to the people who once called Evansville home, their lives, their deaths, and their final resting place. The cemetery, with its numerous graves, was a silent chronicle of the city’s history, waiting to be discovered. The remains, each belonging to an individual with their own story, were a poignant reminder of the city’s past. They reminded us of the people who lived and died in Evansville, contributing to its growth and shaping its future. The discovery also underscored the importance of archaeological investigations in construction projects, ensuring that history is respected even as we build for the future. As we reflect on the discovery and what it means, we are reminded of the delicate balance between progress and preservation, between building for the future and honoring the past.


  1. Local 12: Remains of 68 people discovered during sewer work in Indiana
  2. 14 News: Update: Remains of 68 people found during downtown sewer work
  3. Yahoo News: Remains of nearly 70 people found in Indiana during sewer project
  4. WLKY: Remains of nearly 70 people found in Indiana during sewer project

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